My work for this show began as an expansion on my previous work with anthropomorphism. It was inspired primarily by the Nagual from Mexico where I recently took part in a figurative sculpture workshop. Descriptions of the Nagual range from shapeshifters (sorcerers that can take the shape of animals) to a sort of creative energy or pure potential that can take infinite and unexpected forms. In representing the Nagual, I was able to create without intention, allowing the clay to take the form it wants. I feel that this way of working allows subconscious thoughts to emerge and I interpret the finished pieces to illuminate the meaning for me.
My only intention for this work was to address myself as a little girl. I wanted to create for her an army of creatures that portray the dual nature of naivety. They are childlike and playful but also have a mysterious and ominous presence. There is an element of fear and of death as most of the figures that have emerged through my process represent important people in my life, the majority of whom have faced the boundary between life and death.
This project was exhibited at CASA in Lethbridge, AB (